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10 月中旬以来,公链 Solana(SOL)的价格表现出色,呈现显著增长。今(22)日,Solana 的价格甚至一度接近 100 美元大关,其市值更超过了BNB。在这波行情中,曾经宣告破产的加密货币交易所 FTX 意外成为了最大赢家之一。


据 Coingecko 数据,FTX 及其姊妹公司 Alameda Research 在去年 11 月宣布破产时,估计持有的加密货币资产中,以 Solana(SOL)的数量占比最大宗,这些 SOL 资产合计达到 5,580 万枚,当时市值高达 11.6 亿美元,紧随其后的是 BTC 和 ETH。

[{"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "SOL 价格在过去 7 天内上涨了 30% 左右,并翻转了 BNB 的市值。"}]}, {"type ": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "但是,FTX 和Alameda 仍然是主要的SOL他们会在最近的飙升中继续抛售,从而影响市场动态吗?让我们回顾一下下面的一些统计数据。"}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]} , {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "1. 据估计,FTX 和Alameda 在破产时持有55.8M SOL(当时为$1.16B)", "bold ": true}, {"text": " "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/ftx-crypto-holdings" , "儿童": [{"text": "CoinGecko", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ":"}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children ": [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "SOL 是他们最大的持有量,其次是BTC 和ETH。"}]}]}, { "type": "段落", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain. com/74559_7609c2cf46.png ", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图1. Solana 是FTX 和Alameda 最大的控股公司。" }]}, {"type": "段落", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "段落", "children": [ {"text": "2 。 FTX 的 SOL 总持有量 (1530 万 SOL) 中仅 27% 已解锁,其中 1322 万 SOL (6.66 亿美元) 可能已售出:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": " Bulleted-list", "children": [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "FTX 和Alameda 从2 个公共SOL 位址存入699 万SOL( 2.8 亿美元) 2023年10月24日至11月14日期间。"}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "另一个FTX相关地址\ "4Axqyo\"也解押并转移过去一个月,623 万SOL(3.86 亿美元)用于解决“3vxheE”(可能是Coinbase)。"}]}, {"type": "list-item", " children": [{"text": "这表示可能还有 208 万个 SOL(2.06 亿美元)可供立即交易。"}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "FTX 冷储存 1: "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://solscan.io/account/6b4aypBhH337qSzzkbeoHWzTLt4DjG2aG8GkrrTQJfQAq ", "children": [{"text": "6b4aypBhH337qSzzkbeoHWzTLt4DjG2aG8GkrrTQJfQA", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "FTX 冷储存2:"}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://solscan.io/account/9uyDy9VDBw4K7xoSkhmCAm8NAFCwu4pkF6JeHUCtVKcX", "children" [{"text": "9uyDy9VDBw4K7xoSkhmCAm8NAFCwu4pkF6JeHUCtVKcX", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "list-item"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "list-item"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "list-item"}]}」: [{ "text": "其他地址:"}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://solscan.io/account/4Axqyo8xa524h4A3PqcKYDg53Q8y1UH7fMFe3RHswTAh#solTransfers", "children": [{textren" "4Axqyo8xa524h4A3PqcKYDg53Q8y1UH7fMFe3RHswTAh", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ""}]}]}, {"type": "段落", "url": "https://soc-app -assets.spotonchain.com/74560_11bbbd62b1.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app- assets.spotonchain.com/74560_11bbbd62b1.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图2.从FTX 冷储存1 和2 移出的SOL 数量。"}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74561_8b30735b2b.png ", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74561_8b30735b2b.png" , " children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图3. FTX 据称进一步移出了623 万个SOL(386美元) M) 透过地址\"4Axqyo\"."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph" , "孩子们」:[{“文本”:“3。 FTX SOL 总持有量的剩余 73%(4050 万 SOL,现价值 $3.99B)仍处于锁定状态,并将在以下归属时间表中释放:", "bold": true}]}, {"type " : "项目符号清单", "子项": [{"类型": "清单项目", "子项": [{"文字": 「每月解锁约 609K SOL(6000 万美元),约占 FTX SOL 总持有量的 1%。」}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text" : "将于2025年3月1日全额解锁750万枚SOL,占FTX SOL持有总量的13.5%。"}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [ {" text": "将于 2025 年 5 月 17 日解锁全额 61.8K SOL。"}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "基于根据兑现时间表,FTX 和Alameda 的SOL 抛售在不久的将来不太可能对市场产生严重影响。"}]}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "url": "https://soc - app-assets.spotonchain.com/74562_8d3ff9a667.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc- app -assets.spotonchain.com/74562_8d3ff9a667.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "段落", "children": [{"text": "图4 . FTX SOL 解锁时间表"}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/ftx-crypto-holdings#ftx-s-sol-解锁时间表", "children": [{"text": "CoinGecko", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": "."}]}, {"type": "段落" , "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "段落", "children": [{"text": "4. 自2022 年11 月11 日FTX 破产以来,SOL 价格上涨了461%,从17.66 美元上涨至目前的99.03 美元:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children" : [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "这意味著FTX 债务人可能会从SOL 中获得超过3B 美元以上的收益。"}]}] }, {"type" :“段落”,“url”:“https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png”,“children”:[{“text”:“”}]} ,{“type”: “图像”,“网址”:“https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png”,“孩子”:[{“文本”:“”}]}, {「类型」:「 paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图5. SOL价格在过去一年大幅上涨。"}]}] com/74562_8d3ff9a667.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图4. FTX 的SOL 解锁时间表通过“},{“type”:“link”,“url”:“https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/ftx-crypto-holdings#ftx-s-sol-unlock-schedule” ,「 Children": [{"text": "CoinGecko", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": "."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children ": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "段落", "children": [{"text": "4. 自2022 年11 月11 日FTX 破产以来,SOL 价格上涨了461%,从17.66 美元上涨至目前的99.03 美元:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children" : [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "这意味著FTX 债务人可能会从SOL 中获得超过3B 美元以上的收益。"}]}] }, {"type" :“段落”,“url”:“https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png”,“children”:[{“text”:“”}]} ,{“type”: “图像”,“网址”:“https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png”,“孩子”:[{“文本”:“”}]}, {「类型」:「 paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图5. SOL价格在过去一年大幅上涨。"}]}] com/74562_8d3ff9a667.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图4. FTX 的SOL 解锁时间表通过“},{“type”:“link”,“url”:“https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/ftx-crypto-holdings#ftx-s-sol-unlock-schedule” ,「 Children": [{"text": "CoinGecko", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": "."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children ": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "段落", "children": [{"text": "4. 自2022 年11 月11 日FTX 破产以来,SOL 价格上涨了461%,从17.66 美元上涨至目前的99.03 美元:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children" : [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "这意味著FTX 债务人可能会从SOL 中获得超过3B 美元以上的收益。"}]}] }, {"type" :“段落”,“url”:“https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png”,“children”:[{“text”:“”}]} ,{“type”: “图像”,“网址”:“https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png”,“孩子”:[{“文本”:“”}]}, {「类型」:「 paragraph", "children": [{"text": "图5. SOL价格在过去一年大幅上涨。"}]}]

另一方面,据 Spot on chain 数据显示,FTX 与 Alameda Research 在其所有持仓的 Solana 中,已经有 27% 的数量已解锁,总计约 1,530 万枚,并且在这些解锁的 SOL 中,有 1,322 万枚(价值约6.66亿美元)可能已经被售出。具体细节如下:

  • 2023 年 10 月 24 日至 11 月 14 日期间,FTX 和 Alameda 从 2 个 SOL 地址将 699 万枚 SOL(2.8 亿美元)存入交易所。
  • 另一个与 FTX 相关的地址「4Axqyo」在过去一个月也取消了质押,并将 623 万枚 SOL(3.86 亿美元)转移到地址「3vxheE」(可能是 Coinbase)。
  • 这意味著可能还有 208 万枚 SOL(2.06 亿美元)可以立即抛售。
  • FTX 冷钱包地址:6b4aypBhH337qSzzkbeoHWzTLt4DjG2aG8GkrrTQJfQA
  • FTX 冷钱包地址:9uyDy9VDBw4K7xoSkhmCAm8NAFCwu4pkF6JeHUCtVKcX
  • 其他地址:4Axqyo8xa524h4A3PqcKYDg53Q8y1UH7fMFe3RHswTAh
FTX 从冷钱包转移的资产|Source:Spotonchain


值得关注的是,FTX 及 Alameda Research 目前仍有大量 Solana(SOL)持仓处于锁定状态。具体来说,占比他们总持有量的 73%,约 4,050 万枚SOL(目前市值约39.9亿美元),未来将根据特定的时间表逐步解锁。

  • 月度解锁: 预计每个月将解锁大约 60.9 万枚 SOL,这相当于 FTX 和 Alameda 总持有量的大约1%,每月解锁的市值约为 6000 万美元。
  • 2025年重要解锁: 根据计划,在 2025 年 3 月 1 日,将一次性解锁约 750 万枚SOL,占 FTX 和 Alameda总持有量的 13.5%。此外,在 2025 年 5 月 17 日,将全额解锁 6.18 万枚SOL。

[{"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "The SOL price has risen by around 30% in the past 7 days and flips BNB in market capitalization."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "However, FTX and Alameda remain major SOL holders. Will they continue selling amidst the recent surge, impacting market dynamics? Let's review some statistics below."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "1. FTX and Alameda were estimated to hold 55.8M SOL (then $1.16B) at the time of bankruptcy, according to", "bold": true}, {"text": " "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/ftx-crypto-holdings", "children": [{"text": "CoinGecko", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ":"}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children": [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "SOL is their largest holding, followed by BTC and ETH."}]}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74559_7609c2cf46.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "Fig 1. Solana is FTX and Alameda's largest holding."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "2. Only 27% of FTX\u2019s total SOL holdings (15.3M SOL) have been unlocked, of which 13.22M SOL ($666M) might have been sold:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children": [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "FTX and Alameda deposited 6.99M SOL ($280M) from 2 public SOL addresses to exchanges between October 24 and November 14, 2023."}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "Another FTX-related address \"4Axqyo\" also unstaked and transferred 6.23M SOL ($386M) to address \"3vxheE\" (likely Coinbase) in the past month."}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "This implies that there may be 2.08M SOL ($206M) left available for immediate trade."}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "FTX Cold Storage 1: "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://solscan.io/account/6b4aypBhH337qSzzkbeoHWzTLt4DjG2aG8GkrrTQJfQA", "children": [{"text": "6b4aypBhH337qSzzkbeoHWzTLt4DjG2aG8GkrrTQJfQA", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "FTX Cold Storage 2: "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://solscan.io/account/9uyDy9VDBw4K7xoSkhmCAm8NAFCwu4pkF6JeHUCtVKcX", "children": [{"text": "9uyDy9VDBw4K7xoSkhmCAm8NAFCwu4pkF6JeHUCtVKcX", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "other address: "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://solscan.io/account/4Axqyo8xa524h4A3PqcKYDg53Q8y1UH7fMFe3RHswTAh#solTransfers", "children": [{"text": "4Axqyo8xa524h4A3PqcKYDg53Q8y1UH7fMFe3RHswTAh", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": ""}]}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74560_11bbbd62b1.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74560_11bbbd62b1.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "Fig 2. The amount of SOL moved out of FTX's Cold Storage 1 and 2."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74561_8b30735b2b.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74561_8b30735b2b.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "Fig 3. FTX allegedly further moved out 6.23M SOL ($386M) via address \"4Axqyo\"."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "3. The remaining 73% of FTX\u2019s total SOL holdings (40.5M SOL, now valued at $3.99B) are still locked up and will be released in the following vesting schedule:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children": [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "Around 609K SOL ($60M) are unlocked each month, representing around 1% of FTX\u2019s total SOL holdings."}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "A full amount of 7.5M SOL will be unlocked on March 1, 2025, representing 13.5% of FTX's total SOL holdings."}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "A full amount of 61.8K SOL will be unlocked on May 17, 2025."}]}, {"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "Based on the vesting schedule, it is unlikely that FTX and Alameda's SOL sell-off in the near future can heavily impact the market."}]}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74562_8d3ff9a667.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74562_8d3ff9a667.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "Fig 4. FTX's SOL unlock schedule by "}, {"type": "link", "url": "https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/ftx-crypto-holdings#ftx-s-sol-unlock-schedule", "children": [{"text": "CoinGecko", "color": "#2F54EB"}]}, {"text": "."}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "4. The SOL price pumped 461% since FTX's bankruptcy on November 11, 2022, having risen from $17.66 to $99.03 as of now:", "bold": true}]}, {"type": "bulleted-list", "children": [{"type": "list-item", "children": [{"text": "This implies that FTX debtors may gain more than $3B more from SOL."}]}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "image", "url": "https://soc-app-assets.spotonchain.com/74563_e14089bc23.png", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "paragraph", "children": [{"text": "Fig 5. The SOL price has risen sharply in the past year."}]}]

实际上自 2022 年 11 月 11 日 FTX 宣布破产以来,Solana(SOL)的价格出现了显著的上涨。从原先的 13.5 美元飙升至截稿前的 94.03 美元,实现了 596% 的涨幅,这意味著 FTX 可能已经从持有的 SOL 中获得超过 30 亿美元的收益。


虽然 FTX 重新获得了近 30亿镁,但实际上债务人于 12 月 16 日已向美国特拉华州破产法院提交了一份修订版的第 11 章重组计划,新的计划中,面对客户资产索赔,FTX 债务人将价值设定回溯至 2022 年 11 月 FTX 申请破产时的「现金价值」来估算,换句话说,是以当时的美元计价,且赔付美元(可能是美元稳定币)。

破产当下,比特币价格在破产申请期间的价格约为 17,000 美元,但近期已攀升至 42,000 美元左右,以太坊价格也从 1,000 美元左右上升至 2,200 美元,加密货币整体市值也从约 8,560 亿美元新增至如今的 1.6 兆美元,因此假如这项计划获得批准,债权人将面临「倒闭时冻结价格」的巨大潜在损失。



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